Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Are Parrots or Finches More Difficult To Hand Rear?

Finches are much harder to hand rear because they are so small, I would say it's impossible. Tube feeding like you would a baby parrot would be so hard and probably fatal to the bird because we would in inadvertently put too much pressure on the syringe and rupture the birds gullet.
finches b/c they are so little and scare so easily.
Why do you want to hand raise? Do you want to raise a baby yourself? You should only buy a fully weaned baby bird. They make the best well adjusted pets.
But in answer to your question. Both have their diffculties. Finches are to me the hardest, because they are so little. But Parrot babies can be a pain, if you put the food down the wrong part of their throats. You can kill them either way. Which makes for not a good experience.
Finches, because they are so small and fragile one slight wrong move could be fatal. The smaller the parrot the harder it is to hand feed. Most of the time people don't hand feed birds smaller than tiels. They just hand raise them instead. Meaning they spend about 20 minutes a day with the chick and le thte parrents do the feeding. Less risk.
I've done both and i'd have to say either one are equal. Finches tend to be more prone to drafts where parrots are not. Feeding techneiques are the same though. Keep them warm and always spoon feed them both. Other then weaning age, not much different.
Good Luck!
As everyone has said finchess are much, much harder.
And what's worse if the pay off at the end is much less. I don't mean money wise. A finche that is hand raised will be more tolerant of you and will seek out human companion ship but not like a parrot!
Now, the flip side to that is that if you choose some of the bigger finches like Java Rice Finches (which are stunning birds) you will have something that will come and perch on your shoulder and hang out with humans.
On hand raising in general: If you are looking to hand raise your own pet I would recommend against at a general principal because them you are the "mom" to that bird... and what happens to mom as the intelligent creature enters puberty and then adult hood? They what to leave the nest and move on with life, find a 'mate' and settle down. So many people raise a baby bird and then can't understand why it turns against them... it isn't turning against them... is is growing up like all intelligent creatures so.
So with that said I would really recommend that you find a bird that is already finished and weaned off onto a balanced, healthy, varied diet (like already eating fruits and veggies).
I am the head of my own flock and I hand raise Birds every day at the place I work for. I'm again, the head of the flock. I hand hand-raise many different birds. I do not raise Finches as they are very fragile. The Macaws are the easiest to hand feed, but you really need to be under the wing of another hand feeder before you start.
I've done both. Finches are I would say harder just because of the tiny size when they are little. Other than that it's roughly the same though.
i would day finches, because they are smaller, as well as less inclined to enjoy the touch of humans. a finch simply will never be the kind of bird you can hold and pet and have sit on your finger.
However, unless you have experience doing this i would strongly advise you not to. amateurs often arent aware of the risks.. for example, you could cause aspiration. which basically occurs when the liquid "goes down the wrong way" and ends up in the birds lungs, causing them to die very quickly. there is no "cure" for aspiration.

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