Thursday, July 30, 2009

Bird question?

i have two budgies a male and a female , i want to get them tamed ,i dont want to give you away because i love them , i need some i deas for them to get to know me, i am thinkind about buying another cage but also i am planning on getting a cockatiel ,can i put one of the budgies in the same cage with the cockatiel .. please help me
If you want to get them tame, you need to seperate them and don't cage them with a cockatiel. More than likely, the cockatiel may end up hurting or even killing one of your budgies. If you want to tame them but keep them together, it will be tough. It is possible but will require more time rather than keeping them in seperate cages and in seperate parts of the house or else they'll just keep calling each other and drive you nuts. If you want them tame, and don't have much time, I suggest you do that first before bringing home a cockatiel. That will make things easier =)
From personal experience, I find it easier to tame a budgie when they are in a cage by themselves. I had a male budgie who was a pet for 9 years, he sat on my shoulder, he'd drink from a cup, give kisses, flirt with people, let you hold him on his back and rub his belly, he LOVED baths, and he even had a pretty decent sized vocabulary for a budgie - I worked with him for about 2 months before he stopped biting and would sit on my shoulder without flying away. He was always caged alone. I had two more in a cage together at one point, and taming them was extremely hard, after 2 years, I gave up! I would try separate cages, and spending one on one time with each of them, try reuniting them once they are tamed. It takes time, but it's worth it in the end!
Just a note: I wouldn't cage them with a cockatiel! Those are much larger birds than budgies, and they can actually hurt them.
um ya i wouldn do that but if u want them to get to know you then handle them alot
Yes, if you want them to bond with you, it would be a good idea to separate them and yes, you can allow a budgie and a cockatiel to share a cage (as long as the cage is LARGE enough for two birds).
You don't mention how old or how long you've had the budgies. If they are more than a year old, it may be rather difficult to tame them if you have never spent time trying before now. If this is the case, you would be better off to keep them together and spend your hands-on taming, training time with the cockatiel you intend to puchase.
If, however, the budgies are still young you might try your taming efforts with the male rather than the female; and allow the female to share the cage with the cockatiel. Generally, the males will be more responsive and less nippy.
In any case, the first step in attempting to tame your budiges will be to have their wings clipped (by an EXPERIENCED person). Wing clipping is not something you should attempt on your own until you have been properly taught and shown in-person how to do it right. Once the birds realize they must rely on you to get up off the floor or back to their cage, they will become a bit friendlier with you and you can begin your training sessions.
Good luck ...
nunca debes poner los pajaros aun de diferentes sexos en la misma jaula, pueden no compatibilizar y eso amedrenta al macho, porque hay hembras muy dominantes o a la hembra ue hay muy timidas, solo deben estar juntas en periodo de celo, para el apareamiento y si se da en la pareja cria de pichones, sino no

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