Friday, May 21, 2010

Cockatail eggs please answer.?

i have a boy and a girl cockatail i got the boy 2 months ago thy laid 4 eggs in the past month one hached 3 weeks ago she layed 6 more now ther is 9 now why wont thy hatched
I would say the remainder of the first 4 eggs will not hatch now as they are most likely infertile. It is not uncommon for cockatiels to lay more eggs while they have chicks in the nest. The second lot of eggs(6) are the result of her double clutching. It is likely that the pair did not actually mate before she started laying again. If you can candle the eggs it will help to see if they are actually fertile.
Geoff %26 Jo's Cockatiel Aviary
well they may be infertile. Try to use a flashlight. Put it so it is showing through the top of the egg and then try to see if there is a chick in there or not if there is congrats you have many new cockatails. And if not i am sorry they are infertile.
if you know the three old ones, get rid of them carefully they can explode and it really stinks, plus not all eggs are fertile and 9 eggs under one small bird they all wont be getting enough warmth to grow, there are a lot of ways to tell if a egg has a growing chick in it the eggs and are of course heavier and check with a torch and you should be able to see a dark mass in the egg,

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