Sunday, August 2, 2009

Can I feed my parakeet crackers?

I'm trying to teach it to eat out of my hand. Are crackers good to start with, or is fruit better?
Nope, cracker's have no heath value at all for us or for birds.
Birds need every bite of food to be healthy for their bodies and minds.
Try millet sprays, or put some of the seeds from in your hand and try that. Even their seeds, or yes, a small berrie or bit of apple or other fruit or a bite of washed raw celery or carrot or bell pepper, corn, green bean and such.
Fruit or millet. Millet will actually probably work better because the bird will acutally more likely recognize that better than any fruit or veggie. And if you give crackers, do it only in tid bits and make sure the crackers are unsalted.
parakeets are vegetaireins .NO!
My parakeets love millet and oats and groats and would eat, either of them out of my hand. They like people food, and it won't hurt them, if you are eating like, corn, corn bread, etc. All of my birds like popcorn, I know it isn't that good for them, but they all loved it. And would prance when they heard it popping. My cockateil loves popcorn also.
fruit or chopped nuts are better. crackers might swell up in thier stomachs, and it could hurt them if they eat to much of it.

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