Sunday, August 2, 2009

Can cockatiels eat honey??

i gave my tiel honey about a year ago and he realy liked it but i have never given him honey since then. and when i gave him some it was very very little.
In general , sugar is not considered to be good in a birds diet.
In general sugar is not considered to be good in a human's diet either..
Is it going to kill either one of you?? Unlikely.
Can it make both of you sick if you eat too much of it?? Of course!!
The key here is moderation. I am sure your cockatiel loves honey ! They love sweet things , just as humans do. But considering a cockatiel's extremely low weight and body mass, I would be sure to make it a very rare occasion when I allowed my cockatiel a single drop of honey on some bread or a cracker..
Much better for him would be fruit. If he won't eat it fresh, then try dried fruit! My cockatiels love raisins, dates, dried apricots and dried cranberries( as long as I chop them up into small bites ) !!
But I must admit that for a rare and special treat I sometimes give them a little non dairy Cool Whip !
Let em live a little !! :-)
Yes, honey's fine for cockatiels
yes it is bc companies make food with honey in it the lady that i got mine from said that was a treat for them
in general honey is not bad but it can contain fungus and spores that could be harmful to a bird so I would be careful as to how much and how often it is offered.
I wouldn't give it to him straight I would mix it up with some of his seeds and make like a small treat for him/her.
You shouldn't but a tad won't hurt once in a blue moon.
Honey used to be used for egg laying hens when they had eggs or chicks as a boost of energy. These days it is preferable to use sugar as honey can contain botulism which can be dangerous to the mom and unborn chicks. They now sell raw sugar which is better than refined sugar.
But as I said a tad won't hurt but you really shouldn't as tiel aren't %26 shouldn't be encouraged to eat sweet things.

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