Sunday, August 2, 2009

Can cockatiels be kept in an apartment?

i want to get a male cockatiel and i was wondering if they can be kept in an apartment with 2 budgies
Preferably in a cage separate from the budgies. They adjust to wherever they live.
of course they can be kept in an apartment with budgies but in a separate cage.
You can but without having a macaw because Macaws are dander sensitive birds.
Yup, they sure can. They make good apartment birds cause they aren't too loud. Make sure to quarantine the tiel for at least 30 days before introducing them to prevent either from being exposed to diseases. Just watch them closely as you put them together gradually over time to catch birds that don't get along before they get too out of hand. But sometimes birds don't get along and at that point you have to just make sure they stay seperated so that neither bird get hurt.
of course. If you're planning to put them with the budgies. make sure you put them in a separate cage first and really close so they can observe each other. good luck,
cockatiels tend to be louder than budgies, and a little messier, but they can

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