Thursday, May 7, 2009


Its not in a cage, wings are trimmed, and walks around.
A big thumbs up to the person who mentioned open toilets - very dangerous for birds or any small animal.
I'm sure the bird is amused. One pigeon won't make a huge mess, but their droppings can be unhealthy.
However, as long as the droppings are picked up, floors are kept clean, and a disifectant is used, it's no big deal. I think my dog probably brings nastier stuff into the house on his feet.
As for the pigeon, it is safer for the bird to be in an enclosure when no one is home. Pigeons are generally very sweet and calm, but they could get into trouble,when unattended. A large plastic or wire dog crate, lined with papers - in a bright, but not hot location, is ideal. Add a shoebox lined with paper towels near the back, for nesting/roosting. Don't forget food and water.

Droppings everywhere??
I personally do not think it is a good idea as pigeons poop everwhere and that is unsanitary for the residents of the house. Also for the safety of the bird it should be supervised so it does not injury itself in the house. There are alot of hazards for a clipped birds that you may not have thought of such as an open toilet. A bird can drown.
It is safe as long as it is protected from cats and dogs and other predators/pets that may be indoors. Make sure to clean up the droppings and dander daily so you don't get pigeon lung. And keep in mind that if this pigeon gets outside, it's hawk food. (or dog or cat food, whichever predator gets to it first).

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