Thursday, May 7, 2009

1 Bald Cockatiel & 1 with Rumply Looking Feathers?

About 4 weeks ago, I bought a pair of cockatiels from a local bird shop. Their cage had a sign that said %26quot;Adoption Cockatiels, $50%26quot; - the other, better feathered birds were in a completely separate area. The clerk said these birds were abused and had been surrendered, hence the bald head on one and the weird, sort of unruly feathers on the second one (it looks like he needs to have them smoothed out). After I got them home, I saw a website that said a certain type of cockatiel was prone to baldness and one of these appears to be that type. It got me wondering whether the store bred a couple that turned out less than full price quality and was trying to get rid of them. Mostly, I'm wondering if a bald bird could be expected to get more feathers on his head. Neither of them has plucked any feathers since I've had them.
If you mean a bald patch behind the crest area and the bird is a yellow or white bird then yes it is possible it is a herditory factor that appears in some 'lutino' cockatiels. If it is this then the feathers will never grow on that patch. It does not mean there is physically anything wrong with the bird though. Quite healthy happy lutinos can show a bald spot too. The other birds poor feather condition could be a nutritional problem, could be related to overcrowding resulting in possible self damage or others damaging the feathers or he could be going through a moult. If they have been ill treated then a good balanced diet will certainly set them both on the road to good health. A vet check may not hurt also to rule out the chance of parasites or any other disease. When birds are moulting they often enjoy a misting with warm water. This will often help them with preening and settle the feathers also.
Petstores do buy birds from breeders - -and all breeder's aren't the same.ugh
Okay, you have these two birds so get to work improving their life and start with food!
Make sure you feed a good and FRESH quality of seed mix.
Also start them right now eating pellets%26gt; Organic pellets. I suggest Scenic Cockatiel Pellets. ( they haven't had them so may take time for them to eat'm, but they are important so keep giving them afew until they are eating them daily)
Also feed then fresh %26 washed well foods daily.( check to make sure there is no mold, throw out if is. mold kills birds fast! ) chop tiny, carrots, broccoli, kale, bell peppers ( any color of) bok choy,yellow squash, green beans, etc.etc.) and fruits;apple%26gt; don't give apple seeds! ), grapes ( cut in half and look for mold before feeding!) berries,pears,plums, etc.etc..
Caffine,chocolate, avocado's and cigarette smoke, household cleaning chemicals and scented candles and more are Toxic to birds, so avoid all.
Go here and read -

Feed well and keep them clean and those feather's will grown back in.
cdsgeo gave a great answer considering diet! The only addition I might make would be to suggest some crushed egg shell in their food for calcium , and maybe some lukewarm pasta or vegetable soup once in a while as a special treat! luke warm soup reminds them of the days when mama was feeding them, and is considered to be %26quot;comfort food!%26quot;
The 2 birds could be in molt, when the bird loses feathers and grows in new ones. Molting birds can get a very rumpled and disheveled appearance. They often are grouchy at this time too, since the new feathers itch a lot.
Usually a completely bald headed bird indicates that another bird has plucked him. This normally is a sign that the plucker was unhappy with the pluckee. One of my cockatiels gets plucked by his mate when she gets mad at him !! This is not serious, and the feathers will grow back eventually.
If you think the birds might have mites, then you should take them to the vet. Mites itch terribly, so this should be your indicator.
Breeders will sell whatever they have. Obviously a bald bird would not command a top-dollar price.
My feeling is that the birds should improve with time, and regrow their lost plumage. But if you see any indication of illness, get the to an avian vet quickly!!
Good luck!
Shame on that pet store for even charging a fee for them!
Lutino's and lutino pieds are notorious for balding genetics. But that don't mean they all have it. Poor genetics will leave the balding genetics right behind the crest feathers but not all have it. And NO it won't grow back, just in case you think changing the diet will help, LOL. But don't stop with what you are doing.
You might never know where they came from or what ever happened to these birds in the past, but be thankful that you are helping them now. I highly doubt you will ever be told the background of these birds from the pet store. It was a quick easy buck for them. Rightly so, you have them now, and they are your responsibility. Do a good job with them!
Good Luck!

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