Thursday, May 7, 2009

2 questions about cockatiels?

ok i just bought a cockatiel thursday. i cant tell if he is a pearl cockatiel or a regular grey! i payed $115 for him and they said he was about 2-3 months old. his face looks like a male grey cockatiel but his back is lighter than all the others i have seen.

2nd Q:
what is a good way to get him to trust me? i know i just got him, but i cant wait until he can get on my hand. he wont take treats yet, so what are some other good ways to get him to trust me??
This is my favorite site for cockatiel info. :)
Pearls have white %26quot;pearls%26quot; all over and the males will lose the pearls and look like normal greys when they do their first molt (around 6 months old). Here are some pixs:
Firstly,whether he is pearl or normal...males faces are yellow and females faces are not yellow. Actually female pearls are the ones who have pearl markings so thats a female.Male pearls look exactly the same as male normals so dont get the point of buying pearl males.
You have to handle him every day. They love their head rubbed. Eventually he'll understand he's safe, and then you can get him on your finger. Takes about a month. Be patient. Don't give up.
Put your hand in the cage with a lightweight glove on, he will peck it at first because he will be scared of it , after a few days he will stop this attacking because he will feel safer, slowly remove the glove and then start to introduce your hand just inside the cage, over a few days put your hand closer, he may still peck you at first but do not yank your hand out, it does not hurt that much, he will eventually jump onto your hand, keep him in the cage while doing this at first.
They make terrific pet`s and will learn to talk if you train him to, repeat and repeat what you want him to say, you will absolutely love him.
Good Luck,

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