Thursday, May 7, 2009

"preventing hawks from attacking chickens"?

Put some mesh netting over your chicken area.
It works quite well.
Don't know, grand-maw use to set on the back porch and watch, when a hawk come visiting, she would run out waving her apron, and hollow shoooue!!
Unless you cover the chicken pen, you are out of luck. Sneaky old Hawks will have chicken dinner! Sorry, there is no other way. Good luck!
Do you have a rooster for your flock? Roosters stand watch for the hens and when they spot something flying overhead they make a certain warning sound and all the chickens will run for cover. Also, make sure you have plenty of places for your chickens to hide, such as bushes, trees, etc. If your chickens are enclosed in a fenced area mesh flight netting helps too. Try hanging flashy mirrors, or cds or other bright objects that might deter hawks. Another thing you can try is if you have crows in your area, encourage them to stick around by feeding them...crows are known to drive hawks away by mobbing them. Ever since the crows have been flying around my coop, I havent seen a single hawk all summer.
There isn't much of a way. it depends where your chickens are kept, free range, coup ect. You could put mesh over the coup but that will stop it from killing them but not scaring them to death. If they are free range you don't really have any chance at all. You could dangle old cd and dvds around so the flashes and reflection scare the hawk, but it could get used to them. Can't help much more sorry.
I don't have much trouble with hawks because there are a few trees in the backyard. But when there aren't any leaves on the trees, my chickens are able to take care of themselves pretty well. I have 3 hens and the dominant hen kind of acts like the rooster and keeps an eye up to the sky. Every time they see something flying in the sky, she makes this noise to alert my other two hens and then the other two joins her in making the noise and then kind of crouches down. If the thing gets closer, they'll run for cover under a bush or under my patio table or chairs. It's really cute and I was so surprised at how smart these birds are.
For my chicken coop, I covered the whole thing in this plastic chicken wire that I like.

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