Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Anyone know where to buy a well bred Rainbow Lorikeet ?

I am buying a Rainbow Lorikeet, anyone know any websites or stores or even breeders in the toronto area. Thank you
I don't know of any near Toronto, but there is a WONDERFUL breeder who does ship his birds from Lafayette, Louisiana. This man is not your average breeder. He doesn't sell to just anyone and he kind of quizzes everyone before letting them buy a bird. He makes sure that the person knows everything about the Lory and gives great advice. He's less expensive than most breeders but you have to do your homework for him to sell you a bird. He has very healthy birds and a great reputation. His name is Damian Shaheen and his email is and he will send you his phone number (or I can send it to you, I just don't want to post it) and help you find the right Lory for you.
Australia. I have them wild in my backyard. You put feed out and they just come, along with the Sulphur crested cockatoos, the King parrots, the Crimson Rosellas, just to name a few. A character trait with Rainbows is that they tend to boss the other ones around. As a pet they are demanding, they learn whistles, they talk and they often dance or bob. They love companionship and get stroppy if you don't pay them attention and they take it out on you by biting. So do your homework on this breed before getting one. Good luck.

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