Friday, July 31, 2009

Breeding Question~please answer?

I want to get a couple of finches and breed them, and when they are old enough, my grandmother wants them...I'm not giving them to her as a gift, she knows about them, so don't worry about that
Can i just get them from petsmart, do you think they are healthy enough, should i just get a male and female and they will mate, or is there anything i can do to, uhh, i guess seduce them to make them want to mate.
I know what to do after the egg is layed, and all about caring for the babies, but i dont know how to get them to mate
I'm not familiar with Finches, But I'm sure they aren't any different from any other bird, if you get 2 " un bonded" finches, it may take them a while to actually " bond" them start mating, So in my honest opinion you're better off buying a pair that is Proven breeders ( one's that have proven to lay eggs that were fertile)
I see no problem in Breeding any bird, as long as it's done correctly, You know exactly what your doing, and You breed Species that are in demand , and i do see allot of people wanting to buy finches, now if you said you wanted to breed say Canaries, I'd have to disagree because I've been searcing the internet ( ALLOT Of online classified ad's) and i have not yet found any one wanting to buy canaries
and before i got my budgie my bf took me to a breeder he knew that he got all his birds off of when he was into birds,(Several years ago) and the man only breeds Canaries now and I know there was at least 30 cages if not more stacked up all around a add on room of his garage and each cage had at least 10 canaries in them - NO one is buying them
but Finches i see people wanting them all the time
I say as long as you truly know what your doing and you've already got good , loving, caring homes for them Good For it!
if you go here
it shows you different nesting boxes, and I think the Nesting Finch Tiki hut is kinda Cool lookin :-) I'm sure you can find them cheaper some where else ( or maybe not i just bought a Flight Suit for my quaker from them and they were the cheapest place i found one), but at least it gives you an Idea of what a Finches nesting box looks like
Here come all the Animal Rights Screwballs..Get ready!
My dad has a lot of finches. He just bought them a finch nest and put some soft string on the bottom of the nest.When the finches reached sexual maturity they started mating. Oh and my dad got some of his finches from pet smart. Just don't get the ones at the bottom of the cage or ones that fluff out there feathers too much or that are constantly closing their eyes. That can be a sign they are sick.

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