Friday, July 31, 2009

Brown spots on Severe MaCaws wings?

I have a 3 year old green Severe Macaw. I notice some small brown spots on her wings. Is this normal ?
Are they kinda like stripes going acroos all or most feathers at the same point of the featehr? If so these may be stress marks which means at that particular point of the birds life something stressed him.
If they're black %26 randome (not on every featehr %26 not at the exact same point on every featehr) this is an indication of too much fat in the birds diet %26 it needs to be redused.
If you offer seed make sure they're good seed for macaws or limit the daily intake of seed.
Nuts are excellent for macaws %26 needed in a macaws diet but they too need to be limited to a reasonable amound weekly.
If he's pellets, look at the ingredients to see how much fat it contains. Buy macaw specific pellets that're natural %26 offer a variety of fresh foods too, to limit the pellet intake daily.
One mmore thing too. If he's getting brazil nuts you may want to stop this as there has been increasing numbers of macaws becoming quite ill due to brazil nuts %26 it starts off with the brown spots under wings.

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