Thursday, July 30, 2009

Bird quiz #4 10 POINTS!?

Ok I made another bird quiz. ok here goes
1. I have two bird foods for ya. Zupreem and Roudybush.
Which is a pellet diet and which is an extruded diet?
2. Are seeds only a complete diet for birds??
3. Why do parrots NOT need grit
4. What species of macaw demands higher fat levels than most macaws and parrots.??
5. What is the most intellegent species of parrot??
6. What is the cuttlebone used for??
1.zupreem is extruded diet
roudybush is pellet diet
2.seeds are not only what birds need for a complete diet. they need fatty and amino acids, fruits + veggies, calcium, and iodine bricks
3.These birds shell their seeds and sport digestive systems capable of digesting hulled seeds and nuts without mechanical assistance.
4.Hyacinth macaw
5.African greys
6.a cuttlebone is used to supply extra calcium to a birds diet. birds also chew on them to "file" their beak.
ok...i tried. i don't know how well i did though.
I'm not going to get 10 points, but I wanna see if I get SOME right...
1. I have two bird foods for ya. Zupreem and Roudybush.
Which is a pellet diet and which is an extruded diet? Zupreem is Extruded, RoudyBush is pelleted
2. Are seeds only a complete diet for birds?? ABSOLUTELY NOT
3. Why do parrots NOT need grit Grit is used in the craw of such birds as pigeons, finches, doves because they cannot process/break down the hull of a seed, which they must eat whole, parrots, including parakeets take the hard hull off of the soft seed with their beaks. (I did not copy that from anywhere, I just know that)
4. What species of macaw demands higher fat levels than most macaws and parrots.?? I dunno, Hyacinthe?
5. What is the most intellegent species of parrot?? The Kea
6. What is the cuttlebone used for?? It is used as a calcium suppliment as well as to wear down the beak.

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