Monday, May 24, 2010

Correction to my first question?

she is a cockatiel = pulling feathers
Parrot feather plucking is a condition in which your pet chews or plucks its own feathers to the point of obsession. Some parrots pluck from one small area, such as on their leg. Others pluck their feathers from all over.Despite popular opinions to the contrary, this is not a disease. There are several possible causes for this to occur. Some of the causes are medical, while others are not. To stop parrot feather plucking, you have to isolate the causes.
Over crowded housing
Excessive courtship behavior
Inadequate bathing facilities
Breed predisposition
“Itchy Bird Syndrome” is distinguished by the way your bird acts instead of casually preening and plucking. Signs of this are when your bird acts agitated and is constantly rubbing itself against the perch or the bars on the cage.
To stop parrot feather plucking, you need to isolate what is actually happening. Otherwise, you will not know where to begin. Parrot feather plucking can start off slow and escalate as time moves forward.
The best place to start is a visit to the vet to rule out any medical/mite condition...
Are you giving your bird enough attention? Bathing or misting is hope that the bird will spend more time conditioning the plumage and less time chewing on the feathers or pulling them out.
Some feather pickers may not receive adequate rest. Providing these birds with a more quiet and secluded locale and covering the cage at night may be helpful. The covering is most important because it provides a certain period each day or night during which absolute privacy and freedom from a "fish bowl" existence is assured. Sometimes changing the location of the bird's cage and/or perch is helpful. The suitability of the new location will depend upon the temperament of the bird and the relative unsuitability of the previous location. Other things to try turn on the radio or TV when no one it there lots of toys, let your bird out of its cage and let him stretch his wings, If these don't work then i would take him for a complete undergo a thorough physical examination and laboratory evaluation from an avian veterinary to determine the underlying cause or infection , mites ect...
If she is plucking there is obviously something wrong. Poor diet, stress, allergies, mites, or a skin condition. It alos means boredom and that your bird isn't getting enough attention. Are spending at least 30 minutes with her everyday? If nto that could be a reason. Go ahead and make sure you're spending 30 minutes with her every day and see if it stops. if nto buy her a few extra toys and then take her to an avian vet to see if their is something like allergies or mites that could be causing the plucking. Now she may be molting. Sometimes when birds preen during molt feathers that are loose are removed. That could alos be the case. but if you see her pulling numerous feathers out when she looks like she is groom then you have a plucke ron your hands.

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