Friday, May 21, 2010

Cockatiel & kitty?

I've had my baby boy for years now. We had another cat but she passed away from old age. She would never touch the bird %26 let him do his own thing. Now we have another cat than I adopted from a shelter. She's only 4 months old. She hasn't tried anything seriously with my bird yet but has tried to sneak up on him and watch him real close. Is there anything I can do other than spray her with water to keep her from actually trying to get him? The cat seems more curious than actually trying to hurt him but I still get worried. I'm very prtoective of my bird.
I think your best bet is to not have them around each other. You never know if your new cat will attack your bird. are your birds wings clipped? if they are it is even more dangerous for the bird.
I wouldn't use a squirt bottle..but that's just me. I would just tell the cat now, and create a barrier around the bird's cage. Whenever you see her getting too close(say 2 feet in front of the cage) tell her no and get in front of her. I taught my cat this barrier doing that for about 3 weeks. It took time but now she doesn't go close to the bird cage unless hse is walking by it. But even then she usually goes on this invissible arc(the barrier around the cage) It looks so weird but now Gizmo doesn't stress out when the cat is in the room and I can sleep knowing my bird doesn't have to worry about the cat.
get a cage/cage holder that can be attached to a wall and move any furniture away from it. my cousin has 2 cats and they've never got to his birds cage because he did this
If you want to be safe, do not let the cat near the bird at all. After all you can't watch him all the time and why take a chance for a disaster to happen.

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