Friday, May 21, 2010


My cokatiel seems happy and healthy while out of the cage with me but once I put him back in he puffs up. Does this mean he is sick or just upset? Please help me I'd relly appreciate it.
Your bird is a cockatiel which is a member of the parrot family.
All members of the Parrot family puff up their feathers when they are happy and contented. Your bird is letting you know that you just made him very happy that you took him out of the cage and spent time with him !!
A cockatiel owner could not ask for a nicer compliment from his bird !
It doesn't mean anything my 'tiel is poofing up and down and all around when i put him in his cage he's fine. If he seems cold or scared he might get poofy to be warm or to look bigger.
Your Cockatiel may be sick but it could just be that he is comfortable in his cage and is settling down to sleep.
However it may be best to take it to the vet just in case!
he might be tired or cold so make sure there is not a direct blow of cold air going toward him. he might also be hot . he is not sick my tiels are always poofy. but good for you that u r so observant.
There is nothing wrong with your tiel, that what they do. My daughter has one, and she does the same thing.
I have a Cockateil and he loves to flying all around. When I put him back into his cage he gets a bit mad because he wants to be free. It doesnt mean that he's sick. And when he poofs up it just means that he wants to get warmer or trying to get cozzy and fall asleep. But its just that he gets a little mad when he's not being able to fly from out of the cage.
he is probbably puffed up from being cold or to rest. but look for signs of sickness such as discarges from eyes and or nose and if the droppings are of abnormal color or consistancy.
I think it just wants to stay out off the cage

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