Sunday, August 2, 2009

Can parrots eat dog treats?

seriously. I don't see why not. they are made of vegetables and vitamins. humans can eat them. what about parrots?
Sure they can. Just make sure they are eatting it as a treat and not their main diet. The main things to limit are "junk food" both sweet and salty. Our birds eat most anything we do. My cockatoo's favorites include chicken, pasta and potatoes.
I've heard about parrots eating chicken... Wouldn't worry about dog food.
u should ask the place where u got the parrot from (just to be sure)
I bet it could alot of birds do but i would ask the person you got it from first...
i really dont know but i dont think so..they wo9uldn't be called dog treats if parrots could eat it.
Yes , they can.. The only thing you need to avoid with parrots is any dairy product.
i really dont think it is a good idea to give a parrot a dog treat .if they were allowed treats like that it would tell u in parrot books .or on a parrot website etc ...they may contain the wrong kind of vitimins that a parrot needs thing they cant have is salt..there is plenty of other treats that a parrot can have

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