Sunday, August 2, 2009

Can cardinals safely eat dog food?

Last year I occasionally saw a cardinal or two sneak up on the porch and steal dog food... This year I have seen 3 or 4 beautiful males and a female or two taking turns cleaning out the dog food bowl. Is it safe for them to eat dog food? I put out a bowl of bird food on the rail, but they ignore it. I don't mind them eating, I enjoy their company, but I am concerned that it may not be healthy for them.
All kinds of animals like dog food. I know crows used to eat dog food every day from our family dog's tray.
all kinds of critters like dog food, squirrels, racoons, monkeys, and birds of all sizes....if you want them to hang around... get soem bird stuff also...research their favorites and hook em up :-)
Yes,it's fine.One of the foods used to raise orphaned songbirds is dog food.It's got protein,fat and carbs,so it's good for the birds.Let them eat it and enjoy their beauty!
Take away the dog food and put bird feed in the same bowl instead. By this time they're probably just used to seeing the dog bowl.
Your dog will have to eat it's food from a different bow in a different area where the birds don't see it.
Don't really know if the dog food is doing any harm, but why take chances that they aren't getting the right nutrition.
Birds are birds and dogs are dogs. If you had crows or ravens paying you a visit they would eat the dog food, but then they are scavengers/opportunists and eat anything they can find.
You're really lucky to have cardinals come to visit. It's been a long time since I've seen a cardinal now that we live in the north woods. They are slowly migrating further north. I'm hoping to see cardinals again someday.
Feed them mixed feed, although most birds prefer sun flower seeds and don't forget a bird bath with a small amount of water so they can take a bath. Birds prefer shallow water rather than deeper water. It's easyer for them to take a bath.
Put up and couple of bird feeders and they will come. All kinds of different birds.
Enjoy those beautiful cardinals. It doesn't get much better.
The dog food in moderate quantities is not bad for them. However I would not encourage them to eat it all the time. Plus I'm sure your dog does not appreciate it.
Try putting up a bird feeder with natural sunflower seeds.

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