Thursday, May 7, 2009

Air Purifiers For Cockatiels?

I would like to know if anyone has a favorite air purifier that they use for their birds. I have cockatiels that are very dusty and sometimes their nostrils get clogged and inflammed. I try to spray them the best I can, but they are not always co-operative. Someone had mentioned to use an air purifier to help with the dust.Do they emit any chemicals I should be concerned about? Is one better than another or are they all basically the same? Any and all help greatly appreciated. Thanks!!!!
Answers: when I had my cockatiel the dust was bad for me(I have asthma) and my poor tiel was getting clogged up sometimes. Check out the Alen filters, one like that are meant for ept dander adn will help you AND your pet. No you don't have to worry about chemicals just remember to change the filter. ;) I have had the best results from Alen filters. Especially the ones made for pet dander.
I've not heard of anyone using an air purifier. No matter what you do, they will always put out the dust. I would suggest misting more often. Even if they appear to unhappy about it, its really the best way to prevent respiratory issues.
Cockatiels will always be dusty birds because they have powder down rather than oils for cleaning and preening feathers. I would doubt the dust is causing clogged and inflammed nostrils. Maybe they have sinus infections or another disease that is causing these problems. A visit to the vet will assist in solving the problem of what is the cause.
I have about 100 cockatiels and we are in a drought at the moment so things have never been this dusty. Not one bird has trouble with inflammed or blocked nostrils.
Misting your birds will help immensely with preening and their feather condition. Do not spray the bird directly but aim a soft mist above the birds so it falls onto them. Do this regularly and soon they will begin to look for it. All my outside birds rush to the cage front when it starts to rain so they can bathe. Not that it has done that for quite a while!
I have heard of people using air purifiers quite safely but they have also said it doesn't reduce the dust near the birds. You may have to accept they are just dusty birds and resort to daily vacuuming and cleaning to keep it down a bit.
Hi there! I have never had one Kathy and Remo has been fine! Laura.x

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