Thursday, May 7, 2009

About Pigeons?

How do i get my (flight pigeons) trained to fly and come back to the pigeon coop?
Are they homers or just flying pigeons?
Make sure the pigeons are settled in their loft first. Give them a few weeks after moving in. It's best to feed your pigeons once or twice a day, only as much as they can consume in 10/20 minutes (depending on how often you feed them). To get your pigeon to come home, make sure it has a good home to come to. Having a mate makes pigeons want to come home. Treat your pigeons kindly and gently, keep their loft clean and well kept and make sure they have good food. Before you feed your pigeon each day, let it out of the cage to examine it's soroundings. Give it about an hour or two, then put the food in the cage so it will go back in to eat, then lock the cage up. Do this every day. If you have a trap door on the loft, you will need to teach the pigeons to use it, I do this by repeatedly putting the pigeons through the trap until they do it on their own. Sometimes you can put food right on the inside of the door to lure them through. After a few days, when you let the pigeon out it should fly around above the loft and get to know it's soroundings. If it does not do this within about a week, try getting it to fly by picking it up and throwing it into the air.
If they are flights for high flying or endurance flying you might need a dropper pigeon such as nonflying pigeons or some fantails to let out when you are ready to bring the pigeons back down to the loft. The fliers see the dropper pigeon walking around below and fly down to be with them.
First once bred and the young have been weened for 2 weeks. do not feed them that day and push them out onto the board or roof. they are not fully developed so they will not fly away. leave them out for about 15-20 minutes then call them back in with food. repeat this every day longer and longer till they go fly and come in for food. about another month to 2 months. they will fly and always come back. if they are older and fully developed you can use an avairy to settle them. once they fly for about an hour andc a half then crate them up and take them amile away from the house. do this 3 times so they can get used to the training basket. once that is complete start about 5 miles out 3 times and then 10 miles 3 times then 20 miles 3 times and double it as you go

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