Wednesday, July 29, 2009

ARe parakeet like budgies?

ARe parakeet like budgies like are they the same sorta bird but called different and are like the same almost?! and i am getting abudgie major help! please any info would be nice!
A parakeet is a certain family of birds. Actually, parakeets are a part of the parrot family and so is any other bird that has a hooked bill (curved beak). A parakeet is a generic term and there are several bird which are called parakeets usually meaning long-tailed. So the more precise name of the parakeet is the budgerigar. Budgie for short. In otherwords, if you say I want a parakeet and someone really understood birds, they'd wonder which parakeet you really wanted. However, if you ask for a budgie there is no confusion.
budgies are parakeets! i have 2 budgies!
Parakeets are also called budgies. Yes. You might go to the pet store and buy a book on budgies before you get one. Learn how to train it right and you'll have a really fun pet...not one that sits in it's cage all day and does nothing.
budgies ARE parakeets...different people call them different things. theyre also known as parrotlets
Parakeets are budgies. The are the same thing just diffrent names. So you can also say im getting a parakeet.
Male parakeets talk more
Before you buy a poor little budgie and have no idea how to care for it, buy a book on them from a book store or pet store, or borrow (at least) one from your local library.
Most people claim males are smarter and easier to train. They need parakeet/budgie food (you can't feed them wild bird seed). A parakeet cage is a perfect home for them. If you plan to get more than one, you may need to upgrade to a larger cage. They need food and water cups, and perches (usually included with cage. You can buy sandpaper for the bottom of their cage, or just use newspaper. When you change their paper, sprinkle a little parakeet Gravel 'n Grit in the bottom, just a pinch. They need that to digest food. They need a Cuttlebone, and toys. Parakeets are especially fond of a toy that a has a safety mirror, they like to look at themselves. Ladders, bells, your pet store will have tons of fun toys and tasty treats for your new friend. Just don't introduce them all at once, change them about once a month so he doesn't get bored with all the same stuff all the time. Get a good cover for his cage, they like it dark and cozy when they sleep. Your bird will be grateful if you regularly give him a shallow saucer of water to bathe in (a pie plate works well), he'll make a bit of a mess, but they love to bathe! If you get a good book on caring for your feathered friend, it will tell you everything you need to know to keep your new pet healthy and happy for the rest of his life (and parakeets can live into their twenties or more)!
The most important thing is air quality. If someone smokes in your home, don't get a bird! It kills them quicker than anything, their little lungs are too delicate to handle it. Also avoid spraying air fresheners, furniture polish, hairspray, anything like that around them. Don't burn candles in the room with them. Do not keep them in or anywhere near a kitchen. Non-stick cookware puts off fumes we aren't aware of, but it will kill your bird in no time. Your book will tell you about these dangers. If you protect your friend's environment, he'll give you many years of pleasure. Good luck!
Okay. Well Male Parakeets are a lot nicer then females. But if you spend enough time with your Parakeet then the sex doesn't matter, both sexes will love you the same. lol. Okay, well there cage does not need to be that big at all. Only like 1' by 1' by 2' tall. The cage should have many toys as these smart little birds may get bored easily. Probably a new toy every other week. And also, if you do not have a metal grate blocking that they can walk on that blocks the bottem of the cage then you must get bedding. Any bedding will work. And try to keep him/her on a pelleted diet as the seed diest are mal-nutrician and actually are not healthy for the parakeet and shorten there life span. Also feed him/her fruits and green vegatables and you should have a great and healthy life with your new Parakeet!
they are the same bird. as for lining the cage bottom I use newspaper, and on the sex of the bird depends on what you want males are better talkers and don't in my opinion bite as hard. toys would be bells, beads, mirrors , and shreadable toys.

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