Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Are birds a pain?

my parents are thinking a bout getting a bird are they a pain are they loud at night i mean whats some opinans or facts about pet birds?
The larger birds will call at night, but that's only a few minutes and they're silent while you sleep. Yes birds are a pain, but they're fun and worth it! Your parents really need to do lots of research on the type of bird they're getting (have them email me if they have questions or want the real scoop on the bird's behavior and check out for articles about new birds)
Birds are going to be like children, so don't spoil it or neglect it. They need at least an hour of attention each day and you MUST clip the wings. It is NOT inhumane and does NOT hurt them! It just keeps them safe. Birds are also an ongoing expense. You have to change the toys a few times a month, the vet bills are usually high, and the FOOD! Wow, that's expensive. They should NOT feed it a seed diet. This will cause the bird to get fatty liver disease and die. Feed it a mixture of seeds and pellets (kaytee brand is best). It also needs fresh foods like apples and bananas at least twice a week, better if it gets some every night. There's so much I want to say about birds, but the best thing is to just get a book, and email me if you have any questions or need some advice.
What kind of bird? Not all birds are loud some have a pleasant sound
I have a green parakeet and used to have a blue one. Mine that I have currently always acts up when you get on the phone, but the other one used to hardly chirp at all. It really depends on the character of the bird. But, usually, at night, if they're still going at it, then just get a blanket and cover their cage. They stop, trust me!
Hope I helped!
-Lil' Princess
Really hard to say, for different breeds act... differntly.
Any bird can be messy, any bird will usually make noise
Most sleep quietly at night, especailly if you cover the cage(ie with a towel) though some do get night terrors, which can be easily solved with a night light.
If you have any more questions, or anything more spefic Im glad to answer them
When their cage is covered they are quiet because they go to sleep. However, they need a lot of attention and some types do get quite noisy. There is a cocketiel at my work who chirps non-stop unless one of the residents who live there are sitting there talking to him. I don't mind, but some people do. Its also really neat because he whistles tunes and says "pretty bird".
I don't think birds are a pain but I suppose that depends on who you are. If you put a sheet over the bird's cage at night, it won't bother you at night.
No if you cover the cage at night they wont squack.
Also NO seed only diets. That leads to problems. I love parrotlets so those are great. The general diet for all parrot species except lories is fruits,veggies,pellet and/or extruded diets, egg food, seed as a treat only.
Birds can be a pain sometimes...but they are quiet at night. But during the day they can be loud at time especially at dawn and dusk when in the wild they would cal teh flock together. As for opinions about birds as pets they can be great pets to the right person, especially people who are willing to do research. Research can help y pick the right bird for you and your family so no oe ends up in a bad situation! Which is god for the b ird but also ver very good for you. They are messy and noisy and bite, even the nice ones. They are alos even expensive because of the cage and toys and diets they required. Fact: Do research and you lessen the cahnce of making a decision you will regret!
It depends upon the type of bird, and what you consider "a pain".
Not all birds are the same.
If you want birds to just sit in a cage and look pretty, I suggest society finches. They are pretty much just cage birds.
But if you want a bird to be a companion and loving friend, then I suggest a Cockatiel or a Quaker Parrot.
These birds *Will* require effort on your part, as they expect attention each and every day.Usually 1 to 2 hours spent talking with your bird, holding it, giving it treats and playing games is required. In return you get a loving companion who can talk to you, play games with you, and show you love and affection!Birds do not make much noise at night , but many will sing to greet the sun in the morning, since this can be as early as 5AM, you may want to cover the cage at night with a blanket of other light-proof cloth. Just take it off in the morning.
I highly suggest that you or, even better, your parents join a good Yahoo group for bird lovers, in order to learn what is needed for your feathered friends. I can suggest an excellent group if you will Email or message me. This group has many experienced bird owners and a large library of articles on bird care.
Nah they're not much trouble. Even if they're loud sometimes you get very used to it and then they quiet down :)
It depends on the bird.
Finches are small, lots of work (everything must remain clean at all times and you can easily break their little bones), frail, but come in so many beautiful varities. Many sing beautifully (Gouldains are good singers but NOT a beginner bird)
Canaries are a little larger and everyone says they sing beautifully (they sound like a fire engine siren to me) and only stop making noise when the cage is covered.
Java Sparrows are somewhat smaller than canaries, aggressive to other birds but very pretty
Cockatiels are pleasant little birds and only make noise when they want something. They also are carriers for diseases and are difficult to keep alive. They love sitting on your shoulder and doing on your regular activities and can even mimic words.
Lovebirds are also pleasant more hardy than cockatiels, smaller, more personality, little escape artists, noisy when they want something (or if there is dead silence. TV or radio will fix that), quiet when they go to bed (it may take a few nights for them to get the hang of night time but they will), love exploring, never stray far from their mate. Lovebirds are all around great birds but can get themselves into trouble if you don't watch them. If there is a way out of a cage, they will find it. They also have a knack for shredding and destroying so keep whatever you want to keep out of reach.

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