Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Anyone ever had this problem?

Ok, here goes nothin' a friend of mine owns two pigeons a male parlor roller and a female parlor/homing pigeon mix.
The birds mates back in June but one thing though, I called my friend on Monday and she told me the baby didn't live cause her head was deformed. The bird was a back cross: 50 % homing pigeon 75% parlor roller
she does plan to breed them again, I've been told by another pigeon breder on this site that it probably won't happen again but I'm not sure.
I have read about several pigeon mixes that have grown in to adults and have held up ok.
Anyone ever had this problem before?
(no jokes please)
I've had pigeons inbreed more than this and they were always fine...
But why take the chance even? Get rid of one of them, and buy some more pigeons, enough to keep the gene pool from getting messed up...
Pigeons are practically free at poultry/animal swaps. Check in your local paper for times.
OK how many times will i answer your post? You will not know if this is a genetic flaw until it appears again. If it does, then you know there is a genetic gene that is throwing it off. But until then, you won't know.
If indeed your friend breeds again and the deformity comes out, then you know it's a genetic deformity and she should not breed them again.
Case resolved, so stop asking this question again and again, OK?
Yea would'nt you know it , the female always get's replaced
i find as if there is genetic problem in your case brother! plz try getting another male pegeon from somwhere els to avoid birds of the same family mating.and i asure you of very healthy birds!

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