Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Another parakeet?

ok i just got an albino parakeet today and i want another one (didnt have enough $ to get it then) should i wait a certain amount of time before or is it better to get it sooner? please help thanx :D
Birds naturally live in flocks. Especially Parakeets. Back in Australia where they hang out in the wild, there are HUGE flocks of parakeets that, only a century or two ago, would darken the sky and look like a cloud when they flew overhead. They're simply not meant to live alone.

True, if you want to teach your parakeet how to talk, you want to start with a single, male, very young parakeet. The parakeet has to think of YOU as its flock, and want to talk the way you do. However, once you get it talking (or give up after 8 or 12 months), it's time to get your bird a companion. To leave your parakeet alone is extremely cruel, and some birds even go insane if they're abandoned like this.
The first step is to get another young bird. Make sure it's got stripes on its forehead, and that it's as young as possible. You want it to be able to adjust easily to your current bird. Next, get a little cage for it, so it can have its own spot while the two birds get used to each other. It can be an inexpensive $10 one - just somewhere for it to have as its own. Keep the cages close, but keep the birds separate. You want the birds to learn to trust each other without feeling territorial.
Once they're relatively friendly, open both cages (with the doors and windows closed of course!) and let the birds get to know each other. With their own cage to retreat to for safety, they should get to become friends.

Now start letting both of them share the bigger cage. Make sure you have 2 of everything - 2 food dishes, 2 water dishes, 2 cuttlebones. You don't want them to have to fight for who gets to eat! The more they feel that they're both being taken care of, the happier they both will be. And, once they're content living together, they'll be a 'flock' and will be happy!

Note that I've read some nonsense on other websites about how multiple parakeets MUST all be male. This is NOT true. I have had male parakeets, female parakeets, and mixed groups. My current three parakeets are all female. They are QUITE happy together and preen each other! If you raise your parakeets in a stress-free, happy environment where there's enough food and bathtubs for all, they will get along fine.
birds can over heat. whens the bird gets hot it sticks its wings out a little bit so warmth can get trapped in its feather. when u notice this spray ur birds with cold water. its easier to leave them in the cage. and the extra water that doesnt get on ur bird sticks to the cage bars and the birds will climb on the bars and lick the water.
I think it depends on what you want out of the parakeet. Time won't matter so much, but understand that if you have two of them they will bond to each other, rather than you. HTH
I've never heard of a bird overheating. Wild birds don't, but they are outdoors year round, 24/7 so they are well acclimated to the temperatures. I'd go by this..if it feels hot out to you, it will feel hot to them. If you keep them outside on occasions that's fine, but I wouldn't let them have contact with any wild birds..keep them well away as wild birds carry diseases, and aviod temperature extremes.
if u are going to get another parakeet make sure it is the opposite sex of what u have now, two male parakeets tend to fight, now the problem is how to tell the sex of the bird which is what i would like to know, i have one parakeet and would like to buy another one as well, but i am hesitant because i want them to get along.
ok a parakeet can not be lonely it will be scared and will be really bored.Buy another one!!!!!
I have an albino female parakeet, and she is the most loving and affectionate little bird. I love her to bits. She and I are bonded really well. I would suggest a male if you choose to get another. The longer time you leave it you will get to know it, and you might not want another, but it's up to you. Have fun.

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