Monday, May 24, 2010

COCKATOO parrot owners?

Which (personality wise) is better to own, a goffin or umbrella cockatoo.
which is more worth the money?
which is funner to own?
i already know umbrellas are more demanding and expensive.
what are your thoughts?
im trying to decied which i would like to own.
i have already researched for quite a long time, i just want some personal opinions.
thanks so much
Well, I've owned many different birds of both species and am still partial to the Goffins. Both are worth the money and are fun to own, but all birds have their quirks. Quirks are things like being an escape artist that can undo even padlocks, one of my Goffins is a sweetheart, but is jealous of my mom so she bites her-BUT- my mom is her favorite person to play games like peek-a-boo and fetch or tug-of-war with! You get used to the little quirks, but the difference between the species is that the Umbrella's quirks get "worse" over time and become more frequent. Goffins personalities stay the same forever. The other thing is that Goffins are MUCH more social and better with kids or new people while out at the store or somewhere. They are also smaller so that IF they decide to bite or something, it's not quite as bad. If you're going to get a baby, remember that around 4 years old, cockatoos go through sexual maturity and become very aggressive, loud, and moody. IT DOES GO AWAY, I PROMISE! The Umbrella doesn't stay in "birdie puberty" for very long, but the Goffins doesn't get quite as "bad" (they mostly are moody and maybe will scream a little or get nippy but nothing terrible). I probably would also suggest the Goffins because they have the Cockatoo personality but VERY toned down. If you can handle your Goffins after 6 years or so (after maturity), just think about whether you're ready for that behavior times about 4. I'm not saying Umbrellas are bad! I love them, but for someone starting out with cockatoos, I'd probably go for the smaller, easier bird.
i dont have much experience with either breed but i can tell you that cockatoos are funny creatures. ive met some that will hang out on anyones shoulder, no questions asked.but then there are some that are leary of you for years no matter how nice you are to them. so whichever breed you decide to go for, if you can check out the birds temperment first, it might be a good idea.
Before you go anywhere NEAR a cockatoo, go here:
I'd say the goffin's is worth the money. But both have their quirks, but it really depends on what you can afford to own. I mean that in attention. They needs lots and lots of attention as you know and they never stop needing it. it can get exhausting! The Goffins usually gets along better with other birds from what I have experienced/heard whichmay be better since you own so many fids. Plus you can get the goffins adn experience a Too first hand. how loud, how demanding, how crazy, how cuddly and then later if you want the bigger too then go get a Umbie. You can always have both, always start small and work your way up. Especially in the Too category. This way you can slowly get yourself into the Too world, because although it is addictive it can be pretty crazy! I'd go with the goffins. :)
we have had our umbrella cockatoo for a year now and hes great! I handfed him since he was a baby but I have 5 kids and he loves all of them and will go to any stranger! hes just very friendly! beware though and just make sure if you do get one young you need to teach it right and make sure you dont overspoil it:) make sure you give it plenty of attention but also make sure that it is able to entertain itself for several hours! we have ours in our main room and since he was a baby he has always gotten out during the day but also has to stay in his cage even when we are in the room and he is fine! dont pay attention to them when they go through their screaming moments! it only lasts for about ten minutes twice a day and if you start when they are young and dont give them attention when they do it then they dont get worse and worse and louder and louder!I also have a yellow naped amazon and they love talking back and forth to each other and its quite funny when they have their screaming time in the morning and they both try to get louder than each other....its quite difficult to talk over them so we just let them hash it out for a few minutes and then its over with.good luck
i own a goffin and odie is wonderful not too screechie but can be at times verry emotional as all toos are she is a clown but if left un attended for too long could definately do some damage due to her curious nature the best thing for one looking to be owned by a too is to do as much extensive research on the species as possible because let me tell ya somthing here in wa state we have a rescue /sanctuary for toos called mollywood and it is filled with sevral hundred toos whom of wich have been abused neglected or just plain could not be handeled in the home ,just because somthing is cuddely and sweet u must fully educate and prepair your self for a life change they are like children in behavior and personality and deserve enough respect to have a knollegable parent just like a child if u like your quiet time ill say this kiss it good bye and in owing this bird you will eventually get bit always rember it is not the birds fault you werent paying attention to his mood or feelings

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