Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Any tips for teaching my parrot to talk?

Hi there. Repetition is fine with word associations. For example, "Wanna snack" and rewarding with a treat will teach the bird to say that when he does want a snack. Studies show that they don't merely mimic us.Some parrot species are better talkers than others. Acting animated and silly really can peak a parrot's interest. Boring repetition is not as effective. They respond well to singing also. Say the phrase or word slowly at different times. Have a great day and make it fun.
Say what you want him to learn over and over and over some more. My brother made a tape that said "Hello" for the whole tape over and over again. It worked!
repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition, u get me?
choose a very simple word. like 'boat'. keep repeating the word slowly and clearly.
Speak to him whenever you enter the room, talk to him as if to a child about anything that comes to mind to build your bond so he will want to talk to you. My male budgee says "c'mere chicken" because that's what I said to him every time he flew by me during his out of cage time, plus he whistles "yellow rose of Texas" and cliks the William Tell Overture among other vocalizations.
Lots of time and patience.
As long as it is a fairly young bird it should learn to talk fairly easily. But you will need to spend ate least 1-2 hours with it each day talking to it in calm and soothing tones.
Repeat the word or phrase that you want it to learn many times. And be prepared to give treats and lots of praise when it does say the word or phrase.
Good luck!!
Choose a word or a phrase and stay with that ONE thing until he has learned to say it clearly. ONLY then, move on to a new one. It's not at all difficult.
i heard that if u talk to it in the morning before u uncover it and repeat the samething over and over again for about a half hour then uncover it and it will learn faster and make sure it has no mirrors in its cage
Teach it to him in context, because it will help him remember. For instance, every time you give him a treat, say "thankyou". The bird will learn to associate "thankyou" with getting a treat and will learn much faster.
What my rainbow lorikeet learned really easily was a kiss noise: "mwa mwa mwa", as in when you smack your lips together. I just did it every day, and it's a really easy noise to mimick.
What kind of parrot is he? This makes a difference as to how quickly he'll pick words up %26 how much you can teach him.
Make your words sound really exciting when you're teaching him. They pick up exciting words %26 take no interest in words that are said in a dull way.
Don't over do it with repitition, they can get bored with that as well. When you see your parrot start to look distracted or bored with the game, stop for several hours.

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